Currently due to the explosion of web more and more people spend most time on the Internet. The care for the graphics of the site, which are powerful tools and commercial advertising, fully justify the name of "web design" and because that the technologies used have diversified and became increasingly complex. Due to this reason you need to have a relevant representation with your company or institutions in the online enviroment.
Thus ACONET helps you create a site exactly as you want, modern, nice looking and optimized. For each project we analyze in detail all the requirements and we will provide you the most effective solutions.
Last studies shows that more and more Internet users are turning to search engines when browsing the Internet. Your site must be optimized because the search engines (Google, Yahoo, Msn) brings visitors on your site, which means more people interested in your products, services and business.
Web optimization (Search Engine Optimization or simply SEO) is the process by which the site is "arranged" to be indexed as well as possible by search engines.
To make a good optimization means to go on top with your site on the lists generated by the search engines, this proving to be the best method of promotion.
In developing online applications you need to host them also. By using dedicated servers we provide you secured locations for hosting your applications and web sites. This is possible through the specialized data centers. Benefits that we provide is the stability of the servers and their configuration according to needs and possibilities of our customers.